Craigslist score
I'm a geek when it comes to vintage furniture. I have ALWAYS wanted a classic Eames Lounge Chair with ottoman...until I saw the price tag. After doing some research I found that several companies also made knock-off lounge chairs that were more than inspired by the original Eames design. A friend and furniture collector suggested that I consider a vintage knock off. They are actually well made, real leather, and unlike the Eames chair, they reline. If you know what you are looking for it's pretty easy to tell the difference between an original Eames and a replica. But I found this one on Craigslist last week and couldn't pass it up. When I picked it up it was missing four buttons, had plenty of scuffs but the leather was in excellent condition. I brought it home and over the weekend spent a few hours with leather conditioner, steel wool, Old English and and almond stick. I also made new leather buttons to replace the missing ones and they fit perfectly. I'm really happy with the new addition to my studio. I plan on spending plenty of time in that corner of the office.