The Best Thing
What is the best thing you've ever done? My list-toppers would include marrying my wife, starting a family, owning my own small business, being involved with my church community, expressing my gifts creatively...but each time I come to Cambodia, I realize one of the "best-est things" I've done is step out of my comfort zone to visit the family home at PE2.
Honestly, my first trip in 2012 was a bit unsettling. I had never traveled this far and the fear of the unknown was a bit much.
But each time I return, I feel more at home. The people, the places, the smells, the sounds, they have become comforting rather than foreign. I really love this place!
PE2 asked me to preach at church next Sunday and a few of my fellow travelers have encouraged me to speak on 1 Corinthians 12 where Paul talks about the church being a body with many parts, various gifts, roles and functions. Without each of these parts, the body can't function as it should.
When I think about the "best things," I realize they are all from God, but they also required me to take a chance. Marriage, families, jobs, commitments all require you to give something of yourself with some element of risk involved. But the benefits are so very rewarding!
We function best as a body member when we are willing to step out and pursue a direction God is leading us, especially when there is risk involved. When we step out in faith, allowing God to move us where He wants us, using our unique gifts and calling, we experience the "best things" This, in turn, affects the entire church body, allowing it to be healthy and sustainable, encouraging and strong. When we give our "best things" back to God, He multiplies them and gives us more. What a generous God we serve!