Liner Brush Illustrator Brush Set

Liner Brushes@2x.png
Artboard 1 copy 4@2x.png

Liner Brush Illustrator Brush Set


These brushes are made from scans of brush pens and liner brushes. The main liner brush includes 6 brush lengths as well as an infinite pattern brush for those super long strokes, so your art will look consistent throughout.

It also includes 6 art brushes for adding even more texture and hand-made feel to your illustration work.

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Compatible with Adobe Illustrator CS4, CS6 and CC versions for Macintosh and Windows.

After checkout, download and open the file in Adobe Illustrator. Copy & paste the brushes into your Illustrator file and they will appear in your Brushes panel.

©2019 Slagle Design, LLC. Brushes are licensed for unlimited use to the purchaser of the brush only. Not for resale or distribution. Available for purchase at