Adobe Illustrator Brush Sets

Take your Illustrator superpowers to the next level with these hand-made Adobe Illustrator brushes. We’ve created several brush sets over the years from real brushes, paints, pens, and other household materials for use in our illustration work. Here are some of our favorites for you to download and use for your next project.

These unique brushes won’t only improve your illustrations, they will save you hours of time, just as they have for us.
At these prices, they pay for themselves many times over with the first use!


Interested in getting your hands dirty and learning how to make your own custom brushes? Sign up for my newsletter to hear about upcoming workshops.

Our brushes are compatible with Adobe Illustrator CC, CS6, and CS4 running on Macintosh and Windows computers.

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Save money with the Illustrator Brush Megapack.
Includes all 93 brushes (except Whetstone Park)

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Join Jeremy for an in-person Custom Illustrator Brush Workshop!