The Maker's Schedule

A good friend sent a link to this little gem this morning:

I am definitely a Maker, and this article really speaks to my schedule. So, next time I plan a meeting with you, you'll understand why I prefer meeting early or at the end of the day.

This article speaks to the type of learner I am as well. As kids, we are taught together in a classroom with rows of desks, and every hour, we switch modes to another environment to utilize a different part of our brain. For me, I recall the difficulty in making that switch. It seemed like the first 20-30 minutes of a new class was wasted on the transition from one class to the other. Today, Managers still go from one meeting to another in rooms filled with people who are spending the first chunk of the meeting getting acquainted and transitioning from the last meeting.

There is nothing more creative or encouraging to me in the morning than an open chunk of time to work on a project. Like the article points out, a schedule littered with meetings is a depressing forecast on the entire day but a clear schedule gives hope for a creative and efficient day ahead.

Thanks for the link Nand.

Creative Best 2010

This year's CSCA Creative Best went off without a hitch. The venue was awesome, my wife was stunning, the food was tasty, and the place was packed. Even better, I had a chance to hang out with Columbus' Creative Best--people, I mean. This town has such a great design scene and everyone is so supportive of each other's work. 

The animations that SpaceJunk Media produced (based on my illustrations) were fantastic and really brought the entire presentation together and kept it entertaining.

I was fortunate to bring home a few awards myself--a refection of the awesome clients that I had the privilege of working with in 2010. You all rock!

The force is strong with these two

Dressing up to get candy is fun. Dressing as your favorite Star Wars character is even better!

When Caleb decided to be a clone trooper, I wasn't all that surprised. He and I both got helmets for Christmas last year (thanks Nanna!). They even change your voice with a microphone on the inside! Awesome.

I could have guessed that Faith would want to be a princess. But when she told me which princess, I welled up with geek pride on the inside. That's my girl!

Never satisfied with the status quo, Caleb and I visited the local sign shop and asked for their discarded vinyl scraps so we could customize the helmets and his costume. 

We took Faith to JoAnns and found yarn that matched her hair and we made a pair of "buns" out of some foam padding and a brown headband. 

Star Wars is in our blood. Don't be surprised to see them in costume at Mid-Ohio Con next weekend. 


My Vespa has returned!


I have been sans-scooter for over a year. I made it out to the first night of Scoot-a-que 12 (Sept, 2009) and she died on the way home. Since then, it seems like everything that could possibly go wrong, has. The biggest source of the problem is that the previous owner thought it a good idea to tune it beyond it's designed capabilities. Aftermarket engine upgrades, exhaust, upgraded carb, were taking it's toll. So my mechanic, Kris, suggested we take the bike back to stock. So, he did. Since Sept 2009 the following has been replaced:


Clutch basket

Clutch springs

Clutch plates


Fly side crank bearing

Clutch side crank bearing

Fly side crank seal

Clutch side crank seal

Flywheel woodruff key

Clutch woodruff key

1st oversized piston

Cylinder bored to match piston

Complete engine gasket kit

Stock stella catalyzed exhaust

Rewired stator

She now runs beautifully, quieter, not quite as peppy as it was before. But, if I really wanted a fast bike I wouldnt have bought a 30 year-old Vespa. It's nice to have her back.

Thanks Kris!


Creative Best at the LC Pavilion

Creative Best tickets available on-line. Get them now and save $10.

From French to Bezier curves, paste-up to Command-V, X-Acto to QuarkXPress, good design always returns to the deep inkwell of fundamentals. Balance. Rhythm. Freshness. Economy. Creativity. 

Join us November 18 for Creative Best 2010, when we gather to celebrate 40 years of CSCA, and to honor those whose work cuts through the noise of the times—and speaks with timeless authority.

November 18, 2010 6:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.
LC Pavilion 405 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43215
Presentation begins promptly at 7 p.m.
Party after presentation


In case any of you were wondering what to get me for Christmas this year...