“I feel I’ve found this calling working with small businesses and I don’t feel like I have to make excuses for not having these big clients. I’ve worked with big companies and I’ve just found it to be a soul-swallowing process because they are so risk adverse, so many people have to sign off on the work, and you’re so far removed from the decision-makers.”
“Design becomes other things. It’s not just on a computer or on a piece of paper. It’s how you see the world.”
Emrich Office is perhaps best summarized as the artistic vision of Josh and Katie Emrich that is made full with their four kids and one rather spectacular basement studio in Indianapolis. It's also a long way from Colorado and the design mountains Josh was trying to scale just a handful of years ago. But as Josh explains, summits can look awfully good from the ground, but from the summit, base camp has a genuine appeal, too.
Josh and Katie share their journey of slogging through a recession-era climate in attempt to go big, and keep the gears cranking. What they ultimately found was a greater reward in embracing the appeal of small — both with regard to their business size and those of family-owned businesses that comprise their client list.
We learn that behind a great designer is... another great designer. And that's what makes this duo work so well in running a successful design business and designing a deliberate way of life for their not-so-small family.
Insight, wisdom and lessons learned abound in this third installment of our "Indy or Bust" series featuring Indiana-based creatives.