Persevering & rediscovering your purpose — with Jessica Hollins

“Instead of asking ‘why did this happen to me?’ ask ‘what am I supposed to learn from this?’ 

What I learned was what a child in foster care goes through. I know exactly what it feels like to have your life ripped out from underneath you.” 

JESSICA HOLLINS, Founder & CEO, My Very Own Blanket

When you’re going through hell — keep going.”

Despite this quote that Jessica references in our conversation, her story is truly an uplifting and inspiring one. While she never set out to start a nonprofit organization that would comfort tens of thousand of kids in the foster care system, her idea for providing hand-make blankets grew from her own rocking chair into something much bigger. But with growth comes new and different expectations, and the curve ball she was thrown in her own life provided the perspective she needed to persevere for the good of the kids she was called to serve. Jessica takes us through the highs and lows of trying to do good by everyone, and along the way rediscovers her joy by redefining what success and impact looks like.